Pause and Focus - Consecration Sunday // An Interactive Service

Consecration Sunday was a unique service focused around the themes of Thanksgiving, Lamentation, Repentance, and Dedication to consecrate our lives at the start of this new season. This recording attempts to capture this interactive service in a way that invites you into the four mentioned themes. Due to the interactive nature of this service, the best way to engage virtually is by following along with the notes and pausing in personal reflection before moving into the next theme. You are encouraged to journal, pray, and take Communion as you listen to the audio recording of Consecration Sunday.

00:19 - Introduction to Consecration Sunday // Ben Wickel

15:24 - Thanksgiving // Marianna Colbath

26:43 - Lamentation // Leslie Medlin

36:10 - Repentance // Chris Jolly

44:56 - Dedication // TJ Johnson

View the Sermon Notes


Pause and Focus - Committed to the Church // Ben Wickel


Pause and Focus - Where Are We At? // Ben Wickel