Walking out the gospel from our backyards to the ends of the earth.

We believe that all followers of Jesus are called to live a life on mission, proclaim and demonstrating the Gospel to the world.

Whether you are presently called to be on mission locally, like at your work place or within your neighborhood, or if you have a heart to move to a distant country, we subscribe to Jesus’s commission to “go and make disciples to the ends of the earth” and believe that all of us are either in a “going season” or a “sending season”.


“Through simply saying “yes” to the next opportunity The Father placed in front of me to live on mission here and overseas, my eyes were opened to a whole new facet of His heart for the people of the earth. How could I not say yes to going when I had seen the burning love and desire of The Father’s heart for these people?”

— A, Overseas Worker in Secure Location

Our Present Response


Local Missions

We currently partner with several organizations around the triangle in order to provide relief, share the gospel of Jesus, and continue cultivating a heart for missions while remaining in place.

Sending Church

We are proud to be a church that invests in missions through the financial, prayer and physical support of about a dozen long-term missionaries and their families. Our missionaries are currently located in Mozambique, Africa, and within secure countries in South Asia.

Missions Development

With a heart for missions, we remain engaged in what the Lord is doing in the nations around the world by staying in close contact with our own missionaries, bringing in outside missionaries to speak, and training our people in the way of life on mission. Our hope is to see missionaries continually coming out of Antioch Raleigh and making an eternal impact on the world!

 Resources for a Life on Mission


Connect with our Missions Pastor

Holly has a BA from the Moody Bible Institute in Chicago. After 18 years overseas as a missionary in Asia and Africa, the Lord called Holly and her husband, Andrew, to Cary, North Carolina.  Holly has a passion for missions and discipleship.  Check out more of Holly’s story in this video.