We believe the key to authentic transformation is walking out our faith within committed community.


What are Lifegroups?

Lifegroups are the central gatherings of our church, meeting weekly in homes throughout the triangle. Though our Lifegroups are organized by life stage, you are welcome to attend any group that works with your schedule and location. Our Lifegroups are modeled after the early church in Acts 2:42-47 and are made up of people who are gathered together to love God, love each other, and change the world around them.

Find a group below!

 Our Lifegroups:

College Lifegroups

If you are a college student who is interested in plugging into a College Lifegroup, connect with our College Pastor to find the right group!

Young Adult/Young Family Lifegroups

If you are a Young Adult, a young adult with children, or an adult with children, and are interested in plugging into a Lifegroup, connect with our Lifegroups Pastor, Kraig, to find the right group! We have groups that meet throughout the week all over the Triangle!

Ready to connect?

We are glad you have found a group that looks like a good fit! We can help you get in touch with one of the leaders so they can send you any details you need to know before checking it out.