Our goal is family. We embrace the mess of real relationships. We don’t run away from the hard or the ugly. We are committed to meeting with one another regularly, to celebrate each other’s victories and to support each other during the challenging times.

Ready to get real? Want to get connected?

The two best ways are by joining a Lifegroup and by jumping onto a Serve Team.


Find a Lifegroup.

Lifegroups are the central gatherings of our church, meeting weekly in homes throughout the triangle. Though our Lifegroups are organized by life stage, you are welcome to attend any group that works with your schedule and location. Our Lifegroups are modeled after the early church in Acts 2:42-47 and are made up of people who are gathered together to love God, love each other, and change the world around them.


Join a Serve Team.

As family we collectively dedicated ourselves to work together to see God’s Kingdom advanced on the earth. Joining a Serve Team is the easiest way to jump in on the mission!

Check out our awesome opportunities & sign up using the button below!